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5756 smallTestimonial One

The Natural Learning materials that are frequently supplied to us from Phyllida Gibson are used extensively throughout our centres for displays for children’s learning, hands on use for children to touch, smell and discuss as well as being added to our collage and nature areas.

For many years we have received excellent service from Natural Learning and each delivery is different with a wide range of natural materials which can be used in many ways. Thank you Phyllida and your team.

Diane Toal
Operations Director – ECE Management

0885 smallTestimonial Two

When setting up my Early Childhood Centres, an extremely important aspect for me is to create an environment that is reflective of our New Zealand culture and identity. Phyllida has made this very achievable, as through the use of her wide range of natural resources, I have been able to do just that.

The high level of care taken by Phyllida in the selection of the different materials and her creative and innovative ways of how she puts these natural resources respectfully together, I have always found to be truly inspirational.
She has created a business that is very unique and has successfully maintained her very high standards of presentation.

I have been using her resources consistently over the past 14 years and will continue to do so well into the future.
Kind regards

Sue Stevely -Cole

Bear Park Ltd

890 smallTestimonial Three

It’s been a wonderful experience working with Natural Learning. ‘’Awesome products”

Vandana Bhatia (Director)

Peterpan Childcare Ltd